Black and White Show
This show focused on the use of black and white and shades of gray. The exhibit attracted photographers, painters and sculptors.
Judge’s Statement
I was delighted to be invited to judge this show 2022. I am honored to promote the history of this organization and to engage with the new and exciting work being created by this current generation of artists.My task was to select work for awards and my key objective in selecting pieces was to observe that the artist has mastered the craft of the chosen medium and what it has to offer. Choosing awards for any art exhibition never gets easier. I always approach the task with a bit of trepidation. While every judge approaches this with somewhat different criteria, there are often similarities. With an exhibition one of the most important factors is whether the work holds together as an interesting and unique work outside of the context of the artist’s personal space. Other important factors are craftsmanship and technique, individual expression, and unique individual qualities that draw the viewer back to the piece for a second or third look. In the end, judging this shows a pleasant experience. Many more pieces were just edged out of receiving awards, and another judge may easily have chosen different works. With a limit of receiving awards narrowing down is always difficult. Findlay Art League participants should be proud of the work they are creating and encouraged to keep striving to that next level with their art.
Mille Guldbeck , professor and area head of painting, Bowling Green State University.
Award Winners
Best of Show
Posh Poverty
Calen Fledderjohann, photo, NFS
Best use of Contrast
Fair Fries
Eva Yarger, Lino Print, $70.00
Best Creative Expression
Heaven Sent
Benlee Vilaysack, photo, $150.00
Best use of Texture
Cholla, Joshua Tree
Wayne Olson, photo, $350.00
Best Composition
Envelop, Sarah Hartman, NFS
Merit Award
I Don’t See It, Crystal Bowman
Rugged West Virginia, Amanda Kiplinger
Ice Dress, Wendy Chappell Dick
Artists Entered
Pieces Submitted
Works Shown