Ceramic Show


The Ceramic show is a bi-annual exhibit that showcases area ceramic artists.

Judge’s Statement

Each material presents the artist with endless possibilities, and this is certainly the case with clay. For those of us who create with clay we know there are no limits to what we can do with it. In fact, it is often when we think we have finally found clay’s limit that we realize one more way, one more side of its limitless potential.n the hands of an artist any medium can be

The works here show just a few of clay’s many personalities, expressed though the hands of skilled artists. At the end of the day clay is simply an arrangement of a few chemical compounds, combined, ordered, reordered and fired to produce a lasting document of the artist’s hand. Skilled bakers can use virtually the same ingredients to create both a croissant and baguette. In the same way, these artists have honed their crafts to exploit one humble material to bring a vast array of ideas to life. Please enjoy the diversity of work found in this exhibition and take inspiration from clay’s endless potential.


Award Winners

Best of Show


TR Steiner

First Place

Coffee Pot

Ed Corle

Second Place

Trial By Night

Rosanna Barber

Third Place

Freddy Feldspar

Bruce Chesser


Merit Awards

Fan Tray, Jessica Schenck
Carved Flower Tray, Kelli Farrand

Honorable Mentions

Nested Bowl #8 Jon Sommer
Evocation, TR Steiner


Artists Entered


Pieces Submitted


Works Shown




Fall Show


Chalk-A-Walk 2023